
nodo17 group is a Madrid based office of architects, urban designers and ecologists operating within the fields of urbanism, landscape, architecture, engineering and ecology. We define our approach as evolutionary urban design by which we understand the design of self-organized environments through technological relationship between nature and society. We have applied these strategies to design in projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, Sudan and Canada.
nodo17 group was founded in 2001 by Manuel Pérez Romero who has been the director since then.
nodo17approach is based in the following concepts:
Evolutionary urbanism. It is nodo17’s brand. Evolutionary urbanism is a multidisciplinary approach to urban design based in time, evolution and ecology. Cities like all natural organism evolve over time. Urban design should incorporate evolution and time as one of their main design strategies.
Architecture is basically interdisciplinar. …..nodo17 is used to work with publicist, sociologist, profesionals in community involvement, educators, ecologists, mobility engineers, hydrologists, agronomists…
It is needed an eco-systemic approach to urban design and architecture. Design means building an eco-system. Establishing a relationship between society and nature through the technology available. It’s not just a matter of environmental responsibility but to seize the opportunity to create new design process. Urban design should be part of an evolutionary and adaptive process in the sense of eco-systems.
Architecture and urban design are inherently complex. The complexity of contemporary architecture compared to sixty years ago has increased dramatically. The technical requirements of projects have multiplied exponentially as the cultural and artistic influences. Moreover if we talk about the urban scale complexity becomes maximum. For this reason the management of complexity should be part of any urban and architecture design.